Rachid Bousbar

My name is Rachid Bousbar; I am an agent with EZ Home Choice. I have a Florida real state agent license and have been practicing since 2007. I am also a real state investor and was licensed as a mortgage broker until 2011. In addition to my real state experience, I have a mechanical Engineer degree from USF (University of South Florida).

My experience as a real state investor and engineering degree help me provide the best service to my clients. I combine both skills in order to find the perfect home at the best possible price.

My customers are my top priority and I work hard to help then find the best propery for their specific needs. I am very outgoing and enjoy working with people.

On my personal life I’ve been married since 1994 and have three beautiful children. Some of my favorite hobbies are biking, running and spending time with my family. I speak four languages, English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

If you are looking for an honest agent that will work hard on your behalf don’t hesitate to call me at (727) 557-8027

Mi nombre es Rachid Bousbar, soy un agente licenciado en el estado de la Florida. Tambien tengo un grado en Ingeniería Mecánica. Mi experiencia como inversionista y mi grado de ingeniería me ayudan a proveer el mejor servicio a mis clientes.

Soy una persona muy honesta y amigable, si estas buscando un agente honesto comunícate conmigo al numero (727) 557-8027

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